Get Blogginglove Theme

Get BloggingLove Theme For Free And Build A Rock Solid Blog.

After the completion of the testing phase, you can get BloggingLove Theme for free. Many of the readers asked me to provide this theme so that they could use it on their blog.

I have tested it on my blog. As you can see that this blog is running on BloggingLove Theme. I have decided to let people have this marvelous theme for free. I have been thinking about it for many days and now is the time.

Are you thinking about the new features which are added after the launch of this theme? Let me give you the ride and let you know more about it.

Some Extra Features To Know Before You Get BloggingLove Theme.

When you think about downloading a WordPress theme then the first thing comes in your mind is the SEO behavior of the theme. As I have mentioned in launching post of BloggingLove Theme, you will have all the possible SEO compatible features.

Are you searching for a theme which can let you handle your blog properly like a pro? Well, it’s the time now. You can get the BloggingLove theme with the clean and elegant design.

The mobile-friendly feature is the master key of this WordPress theme. You won’t face any problem while loading your website from any device.

Whether the device is of small screen or the bigger tabs, Your website would appear perfectly with no distracting elements.

Let me point some customize options:-

1. Change Button Color.


One of the readers asked me whether this theme consists an option to change the button color from the WordPress admin area. I have added that option just to make sure that BloggingLove users can have the freedom to change the “read more” buttons.

As you can see that on the blog page or on the category pages, the posts display excerpt with the “read more” button. You can alter the color from the customizer.

2. Change Link Color.

You know the importance of inter-linking in your blog posts. But what if you want to change the color of those links? Here you are with a special option to change all the inter-link colors.

You may have used the customizer and know that you just have to select the color using the WordPress color-picker and save the settings. You would see the change in the color of the theme buttons.

3. Change Button Text Color.

What would you do if the color of all the links would change? Before you get BloggingLove Theme, you would be happy to know that you can change the button link color.

This option is provided because when you change the link color then the read more link would also change. To keep it as it is, you can use this option.

It’s because the button is developed to be dynamic which would scale from both the sides and the link symbol “>>” would appear.

To keep the white color of the link, you can use button link color option.

4. Dynamic Copyright Text.

You just have to add the name of your website in the WordPress admin panel and this theme would show it in the footer as the copyright text.

You won’t need to fill the name with any CSS or HTML. This dynamic feature is provided so that even non-techie people can have the copyright text without any coding.

5. Easy Theme Editor Coding.

There are many people who want to re-design the theme according to their vision. The theme is coded in a simple way and you can understand each and every line of the code.

If you want to do the changes then “theme editor” is there. WordPress has provided this feature to let people know about the WordPress theme file structure.

6. Change Search Button Color.

The search button has been created basically for the footer section so that you can show an eye-catching search form. There may be many people who want to change the color of the search button.

You will get that option too. All the options are included in under one roof so that you can easily customize the colors of the theme.

Get BloggingLove Theme To Boost the Speed of Your Blog.

The best thing about this theme is the size. As I have described in the old post that this theme is so light that the page size of your website won’t be in MBs.

Install this theme with a few KBs and get the fast loading website. You may be thinking about the WordPress theme directory and why didn’t I add this theme there.

Well, there are many themes in the WordPress directory and people are still waiting to add more. This theme is for the BloggingLove’s loyal readers who supported me.

Download BloggingLove Theme From Here.

Are you curious to download and install this theme on your blog? You just have to copy and paste the URL into your browser and you can get BloggingLove Theme for free.

This URL would take you to the “” file. Just download that file and install the theme on your blog using the WordPress media uploader.

Are You happy To Get BloggingLove Theme?

I have tried to add all the possible features which are needed to handle a WordPress blog in this theme. I hope, after having this theme, BloggingLove readers would be happy.

I just thought about the happiness of the people who are struggling to find a well-crafted WordPress theme for their blog. Maybe this theme can fulfill their dream to start a blog.

You can add subscription form just by copying the code from your newsletter providers. Paste that code in the sidebar and do the email marketing.

You can add social media icons by adding the code in the sidebar of the theme. BloggingLove Theme supports every PHP, CSS, and HTML code.

If you face any problem in the while setting up the theme then feel free to ask. I will try my best to install and set up this theme on your blog.

Connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Wonderful indeed ?

    I am sure those who need a great theme, which is optimized so well, would surely go for yours, as they can see it being used on your blog itself, and you are always there to solve their problems and reply to queries if need be.

    It’s sure kind of you to give it for free, which would make more people go for it, especially the newbies, who wish to test and try their hand at blogging, but don’t wish to invest in their initial days.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead ?

    1. Hey Harleena,

      When I published the news of this theme then many people were curious to get this theme. I had to test it and finally after a few days of the testing phase, I present BloggingLove Theme to its readers for free.

      I can relate to the situations of the newbies. It’s because I struggled a lot in my starting days and I don’t want to see someone like me. Just trying to help the people who can’t afford a clean theme.

      I hope this can help a few bloggers.

      Thanks for supporting me.

      You too enjoy the week.


  2. Hi Ravi!

    You are amazing! I love the fact you are offering this theme for free. AND that it is spectacular! Thank you so very much! Passing it along!

    Happy Day!


    1. Hey Bren,

      I am trying to help a few bloggers who want to start blogging. And maybe you can use it for one of your clients.;)

      Glad to share it with you all.

      Thanks for sharing with others.

      You too enjoy the day.


  3. This awesome Ravi.

    Well. I plan to create the service of WordPress training course.

    I downloaded the theme and will check the full feature of BloggingLove. I thinking about using it for my WordPress Training Series.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hey Kimsea,

      The theme consists the color changing options for the buttons, link and more. The custom header can be added. You can add the background-image too.

      I hope this can help you in any way. Glad to know about your course.

      There are many people who want to learn about WordPress.


  4. Hi Ravi,

    Good to see the improved version with eye capturing color combination.

    Good looking one.

    Hope many will be using this as you are offering it for free.

    Not only that since you are there with as a strong supporter to the users.

    As Harleena said it will be an added advantage that you are always there to solve users problems and reply to queries if need be. I am sure that will not be available with other themes.

    Keep it up my friend,

    Wish you all the best.

    Have a wonderful week ahead


    ~ Phil

    1. Hey Philip,

      Some of our readers asked to me add some new features using which they could control the button colors and a few more. And you know that’s important to test the product and I have tested it on my blog.

      So, there is no doubt that this theme is running perfectly. The customizer can help the people who want to use the different color combination.

      Thanks for taking the time to analyze it.

      Have a great week.


  5. Hi Ravi,

    Really well done dude.

    Smart to offer it for free too; build that buzz! Then you can offer it premium in the future after the buzz builds. I do this with my eBooks; works well.

    As for speed it’s a biggie. I use a CDN but ran into a few problems with images breaking; my developer and host are on it though. Hopefully images back up soon to go with my new fast blog and theme.

    Thanks for sharing ?


    1. Hey Ryan,

      This theme will always be free for BloggingLove readers. But maybe I am going to develop some new themes with premium features.

      No need to worry about the speed of your blog when you enable this theme. It’s because the size of the theme is just nothing. The page size of the blog won’t exceed 300KB.

      I hope for the best to your new blog.

      Thanks for sharing with us.

      Have a great day.


  6. Hey Ravi,

    I think it’s so cool that you developed your own theme.

    But I already said that before – didn’t I?

    So this time, I’ll add that I think you’re awesome for giving this away to your readers. I was already happy to be a visitor because you share great content. But I will happily accept your theme ?

    Great work my friend. Takes a lot of creativity to pull something like this off.

    1. Hi Dana,

      When I developed this theme and revealed it to the readers then it didn’t have the features of color changing. But when people asked me to add then I did that.

      Maybe it can help them to change the colors according to their choice.

      Thanks a lot for the kind words.

      Enjoy the day.


  7. Hey Ravi,

    Awesome theme for blogging….!!!

    I like the most its SEO-friendly features with less page loading time and Mobile compatibility. Thanks for sharing such a useful theme with us….Have a nice day……!!!

    1. Hi Gangadhar,

      You can build a clean blog using this theme. The description, title are added taking SEO as the concern. You won’t need to any SEO plugin to show the title and the tagline of your website.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great week ahead.


  8. Hey Ravi,

    Almost every blogger or online marketer before downloading a WordPress theme, a question revolve in their mind that this theme will have positive aspect to SEO? Any WordPress theme must have SEO compatible features to make them download. Color of theme is main part of themes, it is considered as main organ of theme and it really plays vital role in pertaining to SEO subject.

    But by reading your post i have noticed this theme is fully loaded with such features. I have noticed in your post, this theme has a feature to add social media icons really fabulous. Today we know very well how important social media in our life, finally great tool with best class features.

    With best Wishes,

    Amar kumar

    1. Hey Amar,

      We all know about the SEO and the theme should be SEO-friendly. Though there are a few things which make a theme better but still, you should always seek for the best theme.

      The color combination is important. You should have a few options to change the colors of the theme. I have added a few which can let you change the button color and more.

      The theme doesn’t contain the feature to add the social media icons. You have to add those buttons manually or using any plugin.

      Thanks for taking the time to analyze.

      Have a nice day.


  9. Hi Ravi,

    It’s really great that you have added to the BloggingLove theme the features your users asked for.

    Even more generous that you are giving it for free at the moment.

    That’s a very smart move because when decide to make it a premium then you’ll have a ready-made showcase of happy users.

    Wishing you continued success with this great venture. I will share your offer.

    Joy – Blogging After Dark

    1. Hey joy,

      Thanks for appreciation.:)

      When I first brought this theme to the BloggingLove readers then they asked for some color-changing features. I have added all the features which can do let people change the color combination.

      This theme will always be free. But there will be more yet to come.

      Thanks for the support.

      Enjoy the day.


  10. Hi Ravi,

    What a wonderful thing you are doing….offering BloggingLove Theme for free. You may not even know how many people you are helping to do this. Not only does it look great but works so well too.


    1. Hey Donna,

      Thanks a lot for appreciating.

      I hope this would help the bloggers who want to enter in the blogosphere with a brand new blog with a clean design. I have added the features people asked me to add.

      Enjoy the BloggingLove Theme for free.

      Have an awesome day.


  11. Hello Ravi,

    First of all congrats and thanks for sharing this awesome blogginglove theme. Will definitely try this on my blog.

    For starting base many new bloggers like me are finding free responsive theme to optimize their blog. Surely this will help them.

    Once again Thanks for sharing this theme ?


    1. Hey Swapnil,

      While starting a start, the problem difficulty faced by the bloggers is that they don’t find any theme which can fit their blog. This theme can let you have a fast loading website because of its size.

      You would get a perfect view from all the devices. Whether you open it from a small screen phone or from any pad. It’s responsive.

      Thanks for having a look upon this.

      Enjoy the day.


  12. Hi Ravi,

    Thanks Bro! finally I can use this theme. I became fan your theme the day I saw it.

    You have done amazing job and I hope in future you will develop better theme than this.

    Designing is essential for blogging success.

    Thanks once again for the theme.:)

    Umesh Singh

    1. Hey Umesh,

      You’re always welcome.:)

      The BloggingLove Theme can be used for starting a new blog. I hope this would work for you. There are many bloggers who turn out to be developers. And even you can do that too.

      Just a little bit of coding and a better theme than this one would be yours.

      Glad you liked it.

      Enjoy the day.


  13. Congratulation Ravi

    You have made so much difference for all bloggers with your theme. It is great that you share it for free and you will be able to solve problems on the theme as they arise. I must say that your theme is beautiful.

    Thanks for this great gift. Take care

    1. Hey Ikechi,

      Thank you so much.:)

      I just tried to provide something better than everyone does. People search for many themes to start their blog. Maybe this theme can help them to build a rock solid blog.

      Thanks for the support.

      Have a great day.


  14. Hi Ravi,

    What a joy to be here again.

    I am so thankful to you for this wonderful and user friendly theme which I am using now.

    I appreciate you for the wonderful development and the added/updated features. Thanks again for this gift from the pages of BloggingLove.

    I am so happy to mention about this majestic theme in my latest post at Philipscom.

    May you have a great and productive month of December 2016

    With lots of love and regards

    ~ Philips

    1. Hey Philip,

      I am glad that I could help. We all are here to help each other. This WordPress theme is developed for the people who can’t afford any premium theme for their first blog.


  15. Thanks for sending this theme to me via mail. I really appreciate it.

    I never know that this download link still works as the link from the updated version failed.

    Thanks all the same. Do have a nice day , Ravi

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